Time to shine
Every parent wants their child to shine. Alpha schools provide every child in their care with the best possible start in life. Parents choose their schools because of the commitment to provide the very best education for their children.
Alpha Schools came to us for help designing banners and flyers for their schools open day and evening events. This was such a great opportunity for us to do some large scale printing as well and work with an array of schools.
Start your journey…
Alpha schools has a roster of schools they work with situated all over the country, ranging from primary to colleges. Each school is different, therefore, every banner has to be unique to that school and target the age group who will attend.
The banners need to fun and exciting for the children, but also informative and engaging for the parents. As well as being eye-catching enough to notice as you walk or drive by.
We have really enjoyed designing on behalf of these schools and love the diversity of banners we have created. We have especially enjoyed the more creative fun banners, please see below.

Shaping the future
As well as the countless banners we have designed, we have also created flyers to be given out during the event and for those who were unable to attend.
It has been so enjoyable designing for Alpha Schools as every time we are working for a different school and totally new branding.