Real cheese, only smaller

2021 marked 22 years of partnership between Babybel and Comic Relief. Babybel wanted to say a big thank you to all their staff and create a video that would be shown throughout their offices on large screens.

Through our good friends Popcorn PR we were asked to create a video that showed all the important stats and helped to share the amazing results from another year of successful Comic Relief partnership!

Red Nose Day Isn’t Just For Clowns!

Despite a turbulent year during the pandemic, Babybel remained market leaders within cheese snacking and they pledged to raidse £150,000 for Comic Relief.

With the use of kinetic typography we turned this stat along with many others into an engaging and fun piece that people would want to watch over and over again and feel warm and fuzzy inside that they did their little bit to help.

How It Was Done

We were given all the assets and all the stats and had to create a script from these. Once the script was signed off we then added a second column and wrote our ideas down for the visuals next to each line. When this was approved we created the first 20 seconds of the video to make sure we were along the right lines. And then we created the final video which was received with huge smiles all round.

And that’s how we would create a video for you! 😊


The Mission

Babybel’s mission was to use their presence for good and give back at a time when people needed it most. Our mission was to promote this internally so that all staff could feel the sense of acheivement. Happily, both missions were succesful!


Calories in a Babybel

Pounds raised

Is their year to beat!