It’s a Small World!

If you’re in the local area, you might have come across this tiny part of the world. Bekonscot is the oldest model village in the world, opened in 1929, and has been visited by over 15 million people!

We were tasked with creating a colouring book which could be sold in the souvenir shop at Bekonscot. We worked hard to capture the detail and charm of the models in the illustrations, to let children (and adults) indulge themselves in the tiny buildings and railways.


No job too small

We’ve taken on jobs of all sizes, from full business rebrands to business cards and letter heads. This was a fun, rather therapeutic job for us drawing out the details of the model village, including the shop name puns and every brick in a church spire!

Detail Conscious

The expert model makers at Bekonscot put a lot of time and effort into their craft, as do we, and it’s certainly evident in the pages of the colouring book.

Every brick, cobblestone, windowpane and sign is hand-crafted and painted, and we carefully recreated them in all their tiny glory.


Pick Up a Part of History

If you happen to visit Bekonscot, we hope that our little colouring book catches your eye, and that you’ll enjoy colouring your own model village as much as we enjoyed becoming part of the history of the oldest model village in the world!


Photos recreated

Model people and animals

Years and counting!