How much should you be spending on branding?
The real question here, is how valuable is a strong brand identity? The quick answer is, getting your brand right is everything! Without it, every penny you spend on your business could be wasted. Whatever you sell, it pivots on the way you engage with consumers or...
eCommerce website design: Should I hire an agency?
There are online website templates and a bewildering array of eCommerce website platforms to choose from. So, why hire an agency? …Okay, in the interests of transparency, we are deeply biased on this topic. After all, we LOVE designing websites. However, it’s...
5 clichés about branding you should avoid
This is a topic that gets our heckles up. (Or at least we think so, but we’re not entirely sure what a heckle is). Basically, clichés about branding are what hold organisations back. They also make us really angry when they lead to money spent on vapid, ill-conceived...
Having your design agency on retainer and the benefits
How great would it be, having highly skilled staff you can switch off when you don’t need them for a while. No sick days or holidays to cover. No wondering if they’re currently earning their salaries. You don’t even need to buy them a birthday cake! Switch them off –...