Catalogue Design: Eight tips for your next project
Who remembers the sheer joy of browsing the Argos catalogue each December and turning back a gazillion page corners ready to write your letter to Santa? Perhaps you still get pleasure from flicking through product listing brochures! Clearly, many catalogues are now...
What’s the difference between rebranding and a brand refresh?
Your branding, reputation and sales go together like fish, chips and peas. When the fish is stale or unappealing, the rest probably gets thrown away too. That could mean casting your net out for a new perspective and a way to swim forwards as a company. Branding...
Video production trends to watch in 2022
Have you noticed how noisy the world has got, even during the time we spent quarantining or locked down at home? So many devices, communication channels and marketing messages flying at us from all angles. Like that one ad for TikTok you sometimes see on YouTube...
Think you have no budget for video marketing? Think again.
You don’t need deep pockets or the talents of Martin Scorsese to create video marketing content that works. That’s because, with video production tips from the caring-sharing Creative Jam, you could craft a valuable marketing tool without spending much at all. Let’s...